So, I have kind of been out of the "blogging" habit. Sorry! Timbra, thanks for the gentle reminder to post something new!
I just got back from an amazing trip through Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana. Mom, Addy, and I traveled to see some family in Montana, and for the past two weeks saw some really cool stuff.
Our agenda was to go see my aunt and uncle in Lewistown, Montana. From there we went to Glacier National Park, something I have always wanted to do. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Next we went to my cousin's in Bozeman. His little girl, Sayler, entertained us thoroughly! I threatened to take her home and leave Addy with them! She is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life! She is in the mimicking stage right now, which she will turn 2 in October. I taught her "Right On!" and "Who, Me?". I had the most fun watching her parrot us. She called us all "Sweetie" I guess because that is what her mom calls her. After everything she said she followed it up with "Sweetie".
We traveled through Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. I always enjoy the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming. I think they are the most majestic of the Rockies I have seen. Old Faithful was a little bit of a let down this time around. It didn't shoot as high as I remembered.
While in the Tetons, we did a raft trip down the Snake River. We saw 2 bull moose, 4 bald eagles (2 of which were eating a snake, on the Snake River mind you), 6 or so beavers, 1 lone prong horn, some deer, elk, and bison. If you have never visited the Tetons, I highly recommend it. The mountains there remind me of the Himalayas, very jaggedy.
I promise pictures, however they are on my mom's camera. It will probably be a week or so before I get them downloaded to my computer to post. Hang in there, they are coming!