Monday, August 27, 2007

Camping Trip!

This weekend I went camping at the lake with some friends. We camped at a great location where we could park the boat right up next to our camp.

I was actually able to make it out of the water on the wakeboard, and managed to "carve" back and forth between the wake of the boat. I was so excited since I have absolutely no athletic ability! I had several good runs, but it is really tiring. I think you use every muscle in your body. I am sore all over today, but it was well worth it!

Mel and Steve

Steve catching some air!

Brad stylin' Mel's shades

Sunset over Lake Alan Henry

Me actually wakeboarding on top of the water!


The Gearharts said...

So awesome. It sounds like a blast. Your picture looks cool.

Amy G

Sydni said...

Ok. So I'm the TOTAL dork who hasn't yet learned how to attach pictures that can be clicked on and enlarged. SORRY - Embarrassing. Anyway, I'm totally impressed that you got up and can wakeboard! It looks like you had tons of fun and the sunset is beautiful.

BTW, you say the KINDEST things about Sayler! My, my.

Another day in the life of Beau Hart :) said...

Wow looks like fun. Look at you hanging on there :)

Anonymous said...

Granddaddy Ross would be proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah...I started a blog...long story, but I've decided to try to do something fun with it. I put that picture on there...check it out...later Paige